About the Fund


The Undocumented Worker Fund was created in March 2020 by undocumented immigrants with the aim of supporting our own community in this difficult time. Undocumented immigrants are particularly at risk during the coronavirus pandemic. Because we don’t have access to basic necessities like health insurance, unemployment, and federal emergency aid, millions of immigrant families struggling to pay their bills and stay safe.

We believe everyone deserves protection and support during a deadly pandemic. We are committed to redistributing financial resources to undocumented workers and families across the country who have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Donate to the Undocumented Worker Fund


Cosecha's Undocumented Worker Fund will redistribute your donation directly to immigrants impacted by the current crisis.

If your payment information is saved with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately:


100% of your donation will be redistributed to immigrants affected by the current crisis


The Undocumented Worker Fund is administered by Movimiento Cosecha, a national immigrant-led movement fighting for permanent protection, dignity, and respect for all undocumented immigrants. 100% of donations to the fund are redistributed to immigrants affected by the current crisis. Applications to the fund are reviewed by regional committees of Cosecha leaders on an ongoing basis; applications from states without active Cosecha leaders are reviewed by a separate national committee. The fund is available to all undocumented workers financially affected by the coronavirus pandemic, regardless of whether or not they are affiliated with Movimiento Cosecha.

Because of the extreme need facing undocumented communities, we know our fund is not able to sustain affected workers and families. We aim to provide limited emergency assistance while also connecting families with additional local resources and support. We will continue to review requests and disburse financial support as long as we have the funds to do so. At times, we may have to temporarily close applications while our team works to process existing applications and replenish our fund. The application/sign up form to be notified when applications are reopened is available here.

How much money have we given out?

Applications to the Undocumented Worker Fund opened on April 7. As of May 20th, we have distributed over $300,000 to over 1000 families in 25 different states. This concludes our initial round of applications. After closing in April, we received a big surge in donations. We have since increased our capacity as a team, and will be reopening on Friday May 22nd at 7pm.

For transparency with our community and our donors, we will share regular updates on this website as we distribute more funds.

The Undocumented Worker’s Fund is a project of Movimiento Cosecha, a 501(c)4. Funds donated to the fund are unfortunately not tax deductible as charitable donations. However, this is an important choice we have made because it allows us to limit information sharing of undocumented families receiving funds to the federal government.


From our National Fund Committee and recipients of the Undocumented Worker Fund:



Americans have started to receive $1,200 stimulus checks from the federal government. Undocumented and mixed-status families will receive $0 in this emergency relief, even though we pay billions of dollars in taxes every year and our communities have been particularly hard hit during this pandemic. Even undocumented workers labeled “essential” and risking their lives to sustain the country will not receive any federal support and protection.

Thousands of people across the country who do not need an extra $1,200 to cover their basic material needs are choosing to donate part or all of their federal checks to families who will not be receiving any financial relief. If you have not yet received your federal stimulus check, sign our pledge donate part or all of it and we will follow up to help you complete your donation.
