Cosecha is a national immigrant-led movement and we run different local and national campaigns across the country. Sign up now to receive email updates about our current work.
In the first weeks of the second Trump administration, we have received a deluge of reports of ICE engaging in blatant racial profiling, illegally engaging in raids without warrants, and otherwise violating the law in order to carry out what amounts to a campaign of ethnic cleansing. It has never been more important for us to show up, document these violations, and act to prevent ICE from kidnapping our neighbors. DM our social media pages (Cosecha NJ, Cosecha Michigan, Cosecha Indiana) to learn about rapid response networks in your community.
Papers, Not Crumbs
For decades, politicians have sought to divide the immigrant community — Dreamers vs. parents, “good” vs. “bad”, “essential” vs. non-essential. Though President Biden previously promised a pathway to citizenship for all 11 million, the Democrats are once again pushing their same-old strategy of protection for some in exchange for criminalization and deportation for the rest.
They want to convince us that the only option is to fight amongst each other over crumbs. But we reject this false choice! At the end of the day, the Democratic Party does not define what the immigrant community deserves—we do.
Undocumented immigrant workers and families, who have led this fight for decades under both Democratic and Republican administrations, must continue to demand what we need to lead safe and dignified lives in a country where we have lived and worked for years. We want papers, not crumbs!
Get involved
Check out coverage of our Papers, Not Crumbs mobilization in D.C. on May 1
Donate to our Papers, Not Crumbs campaign
Read Cosecha’s statement on the reintroduction of the Dream and Promise Act
COVID-19 Response
In 2020, undocumented leaders from Movimiento Cosecha launched the Undocumented Worker Fund to support immigrant workers and families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
With the support of thousands of donors from across the country, we were able to raise and redistribute over $1 million to immigrant workers and families. We also trained and supported dozens of undocumented volunteers to operate a unique mutual aid fund by and for our community.
Learn more
Read our first and second reports from the Undocumented Worker Fund
Donate to Cosecha to support the ongoing administration of the fund*
*Donations to the Undocumented Worker Fund have closed, but your contribution to Cosecha will directly support undocumented immigrant organizers and their work, including the administration of COVID-19 mutual aid effort in multiple states
Driving Without Fear
For years, undocumented immigrants have been unable to obtain or renew driver’s licenses in most states across the country.
Every day millions of immigrant parents and workers get up in the morning to go to work or to leave our children in school. Many of us have to do it by foot, using public transportation, or we ask for a ride because we don’t want to run any risks. Many other take the risk and drive because we have no other choice - holding our breath the whole way.
Learn more
Follow our campaigns on Facebook: Cosecha Massachusetts, Cosecha New Jersey, Cosecha Michigan, and Cosecha Indiana.